Safe and Reliable Wells
Oil & Gas and Geothermal
Based on SW’s experience performing blowout investigations, assisting Operators in complex well control situations, and drilling HPHT wells, one observation is that the capability of the rig’s Mud Gas Separator is often overlooked when making decisions to circulate large kick size volumes back to surface. It is often the case the main factors as to whether containment can be achieved during a well control event, is focused on the shoe breakdown pressure, or pressure limits on well barriers. Bearing in mind the MGS is a limited size vessel, the handling capacity and separation efficiency of the gravity dependent vertical vessel, should also be a constraining factor in determining whether a given kick size volume for a specific well load, can be safely circulated back to surface, without risking gas evacuation through the mud seal leg into the shaker room or pit room, where risk of ignitions are present.
Our propriety i-MGS software will allow you to assess if a particular MGS on your rig, is capable of handling influxes based on your expected well load cases.
Our i-MGS considers all these scenarios relevant for well control safety:
1. Mud Seal Leg Blow Through Risk
2. MGS Volumetric handling capacity limits
3. Seal Leg Blow Through due to Liquid dropdown velocity > Gas migration rate
Alternatively, if you are a Drilling Contractor or MGS equipment provider, our i-MGS optimisation feature will be able to recommend and specify the required dimensions and specifications for your mud gas separator, to meet normal, or even HPHT requirements.
Kindly contact us if you require the following assistance:
1. Mud Gas Separator Modelling
2. Mud Gas Separator Analysis
3. Mud Gas Separator Sizing