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Stuart Wright Supports Loss of Well Control Insurance Claim using RTBC

The Stuart Wright (SW) team were recently engaged by an Operator to provide technical support for a ‘Loss of Well Control Insurance Claim’ using our in-house barrier monitoring and validation software, RTBC.

Our team of Engineers used RTBC to perform a loss of well control historical barrier analysis, from the final stage of drilling 12-1/4” hole through to suspension, to identify the cause and timing of loss of well control, and make an assessment of the risks the well presents for restoration of the well to a controlled or abandoned condition.

Specific primary and secondary barrier acceptance criteria were extracted from the drilling and well testing programmes, which captures how to establish integrity of the well at all critical stages. Each barrier element during well construction was then assessed for reported validation, and assigned a traffic light colour (green, amber, red) rating depending on the result of the rating.

RTBC captures the evidence in a cloud data base and then presents the barrier status on a daily basis in a Daily Integrity report (DIR). The DIR shows the written evidence of barrier failures plus a highly context rich well bore diagram which shows the wellbore as a complete construction with BOP’s, wellhead casing, cement, open hole and lithology.

The process of assessing compliance during the well construction was as follows:

  1. SW set up a specific Barrier Policy Library for the Operator in RTBC

  2. SW set up a Well Barrier Plan based on the drilling and well testing programmes, capturing all well construction and well testing activities and planned barrier validations

  3. SW received DDRs and other daily reports from the Operator

  4. SW reviewed the operations stated in the DDRs and other daily reports and updated the barrier conditions and as-built diagrams in RTBC

In total, 90 DIRs were prepared which provided the Operator with clear evidence of the cause and timing of the loss of control event and an assessment of the risks the well presents for restoration of the well to a controlled or abandoned condition.

If you would like to find out more about how RTBC can support your loss of well control claim or analysis then please email us at

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