Stuart Wright Signs One-Year Technical Advisory Contract with WorkSafe New Zealand

One-Year Technical Advisory Contract Agreement with WorkSafe New Zealand
Stuart Wright has recently signed a one-year technical advisory contract with WorkSafe New Zealand. The contract is for Stuart Wright to provide engineering expertise and professional support to WorkSafe New Zealand on a call off basis over the contract period.
Required engineering expertise and professional support include:
1. Well monitoring and assessment services
2. Provision of industry guidance
3. Training services
4. Expert witness services
5. Assistance with inspections and investigations alongside warranted HSE inspectors
Project Completed So Far
To date, Stuart Wright has reviewed a New Zealand operator's abandonment program and delivered an assessment of the adequacy of the program. The program was assessed against New Zealand regulations, the Operator's abandonment standards, international standards and good oil field abandonment practices. In particular, Stuart Wright provided expert technical opinion on the following 4 questions that were posed by WorkSafe New Zealand to Stuart Wright:
1. Is Operator's proposed permanent abandonment approach of leaving all open hole side-track zones to cross flow fluids and pressures compliant with recognized good practice and international standards?
2. If the answer to Q1 above is no or partial, provide details of where or how they do not comply.
3. Does Stuart Wright believe that there will be any long term integrity issues caused by the proposed original wellbore abandonment method? Giving consideration to:
Water bearing zone with sub-normal pressure above reservoir
Normally pressured reservoir completed with slotted liner
Presence of an impermeable shale layer between water bearing zone and hydrocarbon bearing reservoir
Presence of a impermeable shale layer above water bearing zone
4. Has the Operator's proposal to abandon the original wellbore complied with their own barrier and abandonment standards?
Contact Us
If you would like to find out more about how Stuart Wright can provide a similar arrangement in order to support your operations, please contact us at